Crochet – Blankets

I find crochet a very relaxing hobby.  I don’t claim to be very skilled and make nothing more than simple blankets but there is, for me, something very calming and ordered in watching a blanket grow.   I have to confess that I don’t do the granny squares – I find them too fiddly. I prefer to make one piece and just keep going until it is the size I want – or I have used up all my spare yarn.

Crochet blankets are great stash busters – probably more so if you do the granny squares where even the smallest amount of yarn can be made use of.  I have, in the past, made crochet blankets as a way of using up spare yarn.  Two scrappy blankets have been made to do this.DSCN1292[1]


The colours are random but that doesn’t matter when snuggling under them to keep warm. Continue reading