And yet more…

Recent holiday saw not only a lot of reading of books I took with me but a few purchases as well.


I should say I bought the Edward Marston before I read the one I took with me and rediscovered why I had given up on him a couple of years ago.  So that one is probably heading straight for the charity shop.

The others I am very much looking forward to reading – although I am not sure when with working getting busy from this point onwards and the sheer volume of reading I do for my various classes, private students, lectures, residentials etc.

The E J Howard series I have head bits of on Radio 4 over the years and so decided to purchase the whole set – I only hope I like them now!

I’ve read works by Rachel Holmes and Sarah Wise before.   The historical crime novels by Rory Clements I have heard good things about so am looking forward to reading those.

The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist is one of those books I have heard so much about but had never got round to reading so I plan to put that right very soon.

The McMillan will be useful for some work I am doing.

So all in all, I am pleased with my purchases (aside from the Marston) and I got them from a local independent bookshop in the town nearest to where we were staying so a certain amount of (hopefully forgivable) smugness for supporting a local independent business.

Have a lovely weekend.


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