Scaffolding and Socks

Well, I do like a bit of alliteration.


What is left of the ceiling made safe with scaffolding until the builders can come back to remove what is still up there and put a whole new ceiling up.

More dust.

And another pair of socks for OH finished:


The relaxing powers of knitting.

Opportunistic cats:


Hallway radiator cover which normally has lots of framed photos on it – all removed because of builders carrying scaffolding through to the dining room.  So two cats making the most of a freed-up ledge to sleep on.



10 thoughts on “Scaffolding and Socks

  1. cats are hilarious! Yesterday I was in the kitchen, and something caught my eye in the dining room. Looked properly and saw it was Dudley sprawled out on the table, leaning against my coat that I’d left draped over the back of a chair, all because the sun was shining on it. Good thing I like him or I’d have shouted at him!

    Nightmare when there is scaffolding in the house, all that mess and drama. but, needs must, and the ceiling must be fixed. You’ll be glad when it’s done.

    Socks are fab, you are clever. x


    1. They never miss an opportunity to get somewhere they shouldn’t be, do they. I am fully expecting one of us to walk in to one of the scaffolding poles first thing in the morning when not quite awake.

      OH is loving his socks. It is a dead easy pattern. I have tried the dpn three needle thing and it was totally beyond me. But the two needle pattern I found is really simple.


  2. What a pain. I’d just shut the door on it all and carry on knitting. Or better still push the cats off that lovely warm radiator cover and have a lie down yourself. xx


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